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Although energy-rich, New Zealand faces challenges in this sector. With demand often located at some distance from resources and electricity generation, we depend on good infrastructure for reliable supply. This is a complex, inter-dependent and dynamic industry that has continued to change and evolve rapidly, with market mechanisms being used increasingly to allocate resources. Given the importance of energy to the economy the Government will always have a keen interest in the industry’s performance.
Our expertise
MartinJenkins works with organisations in the energy sector to improve their performance, the performance of the industry as a whole, and the regulatory environment. Our skills and expertise include:
Sector knowledge – understanding and experience of upstream oil and gas, electricity generation, transmission and distribution, and natural resources
Industry analysis
Collaborative policy development and policy design
Regulatory frameworks analysis and advice
Public-sector ownership and governance arrangements
Developing and implementing strategy
Research, evaluation, monitoring and review
Organisational performance assessments and advice
Change management.
Our clients
Electricity generators
Electricity and gas transmission and distribution companies
Oil and gas exploration and production companies