Business Improvement
We can help you deliver optimal quality and value-for-money services and products to your customers, while reducing costs and achieving efficiency and effectiveness gains.
Our business improvement services can serve as a catalyst for significant improvement and change in your organisation. We will work with you to map and design processes, develop a continuous improvement culture, and facilitate the appropriate leadership, operating model and organisational practices you need to sustain business improvement gains.
All-of-Government provider: MartinJenkins is a registered provider of consultancy services in the All-of-Government (AoG) procurement scheme for Business and Finance services – as of December 2016.
Continuous Improvement
thWe work with you to embed a culture of continuous improvement (CI) in your organisation. We help you develop the framework, governance and methodology best suited to your current goals.
We also help expand your CI capability through targeted and interactive training of your people. This allows continuous improvement to become the new way of working across your organisation.
Process Improvement
thMartinJenkins can help you achieve efficiency and effectiveness gains on a specific process. We deploy a customised improvement approach based on your expectations for the process, your desired outcomes and on process design good practices. We map your process and also consider relevant organisational arrangements that impact the efficiency and effectiveness of the process.
You will gain an improved process, and staff will gain greater understanding of process design and process efficiency from being actively involved in the re-design process.
thWe can help you to better understand the needs of your customers and how your organisation must perform to fully meet those needs. Our service and operating model design approach will also help you identify the most appropriate organisational arrangements to suit the revised operating model. Together we can create operating models and service solutions that will deliver on user needs and expectations, at the same time as strengthening your organisation.
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