Financial & Economic Analysis

Expert financial and economic analysis plays an important role in most decisions - including, for example, investment decisions, decisions around organisational change and strategy, regional or industry development strategies, regulatory interventions, and decisions across a wide range of policy issues.

MartinJenkins has a team of highly qualified and experienced financial and economic analysts who apply their specialist skills in a wide range of contexts. Our clients benefit from the depth of our insights and from the confidence that our work is based on the application of sound financial and economic analysis principles and practices that will withstand critical external scrutiny.

All-of-Government provider: MartinJenkins is a registered provider of consultancy services in the All-of-Government (AoG) procurement scheme for Finance and Economics, and Assurance services – as of November 2015.

For a summary of our Finance and Economics services provided under the AoG framework, click here.


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