- Arts & Culture
- Building & Housing
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- Insurance & Finance
- International Development
- Iwi & Māori
- Justice
- Labour Market
- Local Government
- Primary Industries
- Public Sector
- Regulatory
- Science & Innovation
- Sports & Recreation
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- Welfare & Social Services
Labour Market
Regional, national and global labour markets are the places where 2.3 million New Zealanders find paid work, where our businesses find the labour and skilled employees they need, and where wage rates essential to social wellbeing are set. The effective operation of these markets requires information to flow between employers and job seekers about wage rates, employment conditions, levels of competition, and the location of jobs. Because of the importance of labour markets to our social and economic wellbeing, successive governments have regulated their operations through legislation in areas such as employment, health and safety, and holidays.
MartinJenkins offers high-quality labour market analysis and practical advice. We draw on our wider skills and experience in leading labour-market reform and conducting economic analysis, and also on our sector-specific expertise in areas such as education, health and local government.
Our expertise
We have skills and expertise in:
Workplace drivers of productivity
Education, skills and training
Management and organisational capability
Employment and labour market policy
Health and safety policy
Evaluations and research on labour market issues
Immigration and the attraction of talent
Sector-specific analysis of labour supply and demand – for example, construction
Developing workforce strategies in alignment with broader business planning
Evaluation of regulatory intervention.
Central government departments and agencies
Tertiary education organisations
Trade unions and professional associations
Business and industry associations
District health boards
Large employers.
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