Kate Clark

Lead – Strategy, Design, and Performance | Ārahi – Rautaki, Hoahoa, me Ngā Mahi
Wellington Office

Kate loves nothing more than sizing up a complex, sensitive situation where they are many different interests and views, and then creating a strategy and work programme that will achieve real change

Kate is an accomplished communications and engagement practitioner who senior leaders in government trust to give them honest advice and find a way forward.

She knows the government sector very well, but has also worked in the private and non-profit sectors. As well as senior roles in Aotearoa, she has worked in Australia and the UK. 

Kate has worked on several large organisational change programmes, including some resulting from government inquiries. Her experience includes developing a system improvement programme for acute health care services.  A seasoned leader and problem-solver, she ensures that stakeholders of all types feel they have a voice and are part of shaping change.

Kate’s deft touch has been particularly valuable in areas such as the social services sector where there can be very different views on how problems should be solved and often significant tensions. In any sensitive or high-visibility area, senior public-sector leaders value Kate’s ability to figure out a way for everyone to work together and move ahead collectively.

She excels in creating the plan to solve the problem, and then in finding creative ways to get the best out of the people charged with doing the mahi. She helps re-energise and refocus teams around what they need to do in order to be successful, getting them to perform better and to aspire to do more.

Kate has a Bachelor of Communication Studies with a major in journalism.