John Capper
John is an accomplished people leader with expertise in governance, programme management, policy, strategy, and systems. He’s familiar with working at the highest levels of government and business, both in New Zealand and offshore.
A creative thinker who focuses on results, John is adept at contributing to and leading highly engaged multi-disciplinary teams. He has extensive experience working in the public service – in the Beehive, in the head office environment, and representing New Zealand overseas in roles with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
John has a deep interest in how systems work – from defining strategy through to achieving impact on the ground. In several leadership roles with the New Zealand Aid Programme he managed significant portfolios of aid investments, seeking ways to make a greater impact in a range of Pacific countries. He also led work on continuous improvement that enabled the Aid Programme to manage significantly expanded resources and increased ambitions.
Earlier, as New Zealand Ambassador in Chile, John worked to raise New Zealand’s profile and improve trade access along the Pacific coast of South America.
John has proven experience developing valuable relationships across government, civil society, and the private sector. He has a strong track record in developing and communicating policy, in guiding strategic direction, and in governing performance.
John loves the accessibility of nature living in New Zealand, and most weekends he can be found running trails around Wellington and beyond.
John’s qualifications
John has a Masters in Development Studies from Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, and a BA in Political Science from Victoria University.