Chelsea Steen-Jones
Chelsea is a strategic thinker, researcher, writer, facilitator, economist, accountant, and modeller, who is excited by positive social change. She has a knack for complex thinking and for wrangling costs, benefits, data, concepts, and people.
Chelsea recognises that impact comes not just from what you do, but how you do it. This is a principle she applies to strategy, policy, and analysis. She works with clients to get a precise understanding of the crux of their problem and brings a broad skillset to help them work through and resolve it.
Chelsea brings experience in business cases, Budget bids, cost-benefit and value-for-money analysis, quantifying wellbeing, behavioural economics, policy, budgeting, and performance reporting. She has worked across a range of fields, including health, education, and the environmental, cultural, and social sectors.
Examples of Chelsea's work
Oranga Tamariki: Strategy development – Chelsea set out the broad context and long-term future direction for the agency in the new Statement of Intent, and developed a framework with operational strategies to help achieve the vision.
The Treasury: Social housing regeneration – Using a wellbeing approach she prepared the economic analysis and narrative for the successful $1.5 billion business case to regenerate community spaces and social housing in Eastern Porirua.
Ministry of Business, Employment and Innovation: Activity-based costing – Using existing taxonomies (APQC and TBM) and bespoke definitions, Chelsea helped identify a set of functions that reflect the activities across the whole agency. Through a series of interviews she built assumptions for the proportion of effort for each function by cost centre.
Ministry of Social Development: Family violence and sexual violence Budget bids – Chelsea supported a number of Budget bids to meet the cost pressures on support services for victims, perpetrators, and communities. This was underpinned by literature reviews, an intervention logic, a CBAx model, sensitivity testing, and strong narratives for the bid.
Chelsea's qualifications
Chelsea has a Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting and Economics from the University of Otago, and a Graduate Diploma in Chartered Accounting from Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand.