Allana Coulon
Allana keeps MartinJenkins in close touch with our values and our purpose of helping make New Zealand a better place. She's a specialist in organisational performance and design who enjoys working alongside senior leaders to lift performance and respond to change.
Allana brings her clear strategic thinking and easy interpersonal style to the role of Managing Partner. She keeps people and relationships front of mind, both at the firm and when working with clients.
As a leader, Allana enables people to do exceptional work; welcoming complex problems as opportunities for kaimahi and clients to excel and grow. The opportunity to realise potential – for individuals, teams, and organisations – is a motivating force.
Allana regularly applies her expertise in organisational performance and design to support change in government systems or organisations. She is a trusted advisor, building enduring relationships with senior leaders because she understands their context, challenges their thinking, and delivers practical solutions.
Examples of Allana’s work
Developing a five-year workforce strategy with the Ministry for the Environment to support a stronger role for MfE as a system leader.
Leading a review and redesign of the Department of Conservation’s tourism and recreation national system, to identify and achieve the organisational shifts needed to deliver DOC’s priorities.
Supporting the establishment of a new departmental agency, Te Arawhiti (the Office for Māori Crown Relations), helping the agency ensure it is organised and resourced to fulfil its purpose of moving the Māori Crown relationship from historical grievance towards true Treaty partnership.
Leading a full organisational and operating model review for the Commerce Commission to support it to become more outcome-focused and more connected with New Zealand businesses, consumers and stakeholders.
Allana's qualifications
Allana has a Master of Business Studies (First Class Honours), majoring in Human Resources Management, from Massey University.